marvel n. 1.惊奇的东西;可惊叹的人物,(…方面)的非凡人物,奇才。 2.〔古语〕惊愕,惊叹。 He is a perfect marvel. 〔口语〕他真是个奇人。 The marvel is that ... 奇异的是…。 The less marvel if... 如果…便不稀奇。 Use lessens marvel, it is said. 俗话说,多见不怪[少见多怪]。 vi. (〔英语〕 -ll-)〔古语〕 惊叹,惊异 (at;that)。 vt. 对…觉得奇怪,诧异(how;why;if;what)。 ★词义强于 wonder.
From marvel comics , creators of spider - man , fantastic four , and x - men , comes a new hero 继脍炙人口的蜘蛛侠神奇4侠及变种特工系列后, marvel漫画的另一全新英雄人物幽
His mandallian heritage is a new fact revealed in this issue of insider , borrowing a hulking alien species first revealed in the old marvel comics line # 80期《星战知情者》新编了他是曼达利亚人的身世背景,这个身形庞大的异星种族最早出现在奇迹公司的漫画里。
Based on the legendary flagship character of marvel comics , this is the story of peter parker , a high school student living with his aunt may and uncl . . 在一次学校的科学示范中,彼得意外地被一只受了辐射感染的蜘蛛咬伤,他发觉自己变得如蜘蛛般灵活及拥有一. .
Oscar - nominee ang lee crouching tiger , hidden dragon combines his magic with the groundbreaking visual effects of a blockbuster to bring this classic marvel comics super hero to life 可是,这巨兽面对敌人的挑衅,却能拿出异于常人的勇敢迎战。附送抽奖卡,赢取dodge caravan
But dr ulf leonhardt , a theoretical physicist at st andrews university in scotland , believes the most plausible 3 example is the invisible woman , one of the marvel comics superheroes in the " fantastic four . 苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学理论物理学家厄弗。莱奥哈德说最贴近现实的应该是神奇漫画中神奇四侠里面的超级英雄隐身女。
Based on the legendary flagship character of marvel comics , this is the story of peter parker , a high school student living with his aunt may and uncle ben after the death of his parents when he was jst a baby 高中生彼得柏加自幼因父母双亡,一直与叔父母相依为命。在一次学校的科学示范中,彼得意外地被一只受了辐射感染的蜘蛛咬伤,他发觉自己变得如蜘蛛般灵活及拥有一股特殊力量。
From marvel comics , creators of spider - man , fantastic four , and x - men , comes a new hero ghost rider . long ago , superstar motorcycle stunt rider johnny blaze nicolas cage made a deal with the devil to protect the ones he loved most : his father and his childhood sweetheart , roxanne eva mendes 很久以前,电单车特技巨星尊尼白炽尼古拉斯基治饰为保护自己最心爱的爸爸和青梅竹马的挚爱洛珊伊娃曼迪丝饰竟不顾一切与死神立下誓盟将自己的灵魂出卖。